I was heading over to east London, a side of the water that I dislike, for no other reason, if I'm honest than I'm from south of the river! The east end has a lot of history, & places to explore, but I don't seem to put myself out to do so. The Hamlet Youth Team had reached the final of the London Cup, at a complete shit hole that is Mile End 'Stadium'. A godforsaken dump that is the local athletics track. One stand, where you're miles away from the pitch. It quite an apt description actually, godforsaken, as the team that uses it as a home venue are Sporting Bengal United, from the Kent League. Kent? Don't ask...I know it's slummy Essex Senior territory.
So I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone (three actually) & make a bit of a day of it. So I visited the Museum of Childhood at Bethnal Green; followed by a wander round Tower Hamlets Cemetery, before going to the match.
The childhood museum was actually much more fun than I remember it, I doubt if I've been there for at least a dozen years. It's set on two levels, with case after case of toys through the ages. Far more than I could possibly tell you about here. But it is worth a visit, if ever you're over that way, & just as importantly, it's free! The only slight disappointment was that there was no guidebook on sale.
I took a fair few photos, which I'll get round to posting on my 'touristy' blog eventually. But I thought I'd share a few with you now.
This cracked me up!
Not that I'm one to suggest her family nick the idea, but just in case the dear departed Saint Jade-yay!told you she'd croak on Mothers Day, should've gone to Paddy Power-didn't raise enough dosh to ensure her boys are looked after, though somehow I think they'll be raking it in just for being her sons as they grow up, what about a Baldie Jade game, where you can imagine what her chemo wigs would've been like, if she could've afforded them? Well you know how hard it was, saving every penny for the kids...
And then there was this toy television set. You probably got a better picture on this one, that the real one that mummy & daddy had. (Note to any young children reading this: A 'mummy & daddy' were adults you lived at home with, who were married. A few people still live this strange old fashioned way today)
Who on earth would buy something like this? Assuming it actually worked!
Can you imagine how shit the ice cream must have tasted like, if you attempted to make some with your friends? Thankfully I was from an age when the Cornetto was invented, so I could get one of them with the pocket money I'd saved from not wasting it on some plastic ice cream making crap! Or just grabbing one from the shop and running as fast as I could! And you had to be quite fast, or it would have melted before you got far enough away.
There's an urban myth that little boys who play with sissy dolls will themselves turn into sissies. Not true! I don't recall playing with my sisters dollies. People are born gay so surely gay boys will be going 'phwoar' with their Action Men...
Well it's an argument, which sounds feasable, until you see this fucked up one! That's no soldier, it's an out & out psychopath! Never mind eltro-sick bastard-shock treatment. If you think your little boy's a poof just get him one of these! Should put him off blokes for life! Just look at those mad as fuck eyes. I reckon Dennis Nilson was a perfectly adjusted child until he got one of these for christmas! He was so scared he pulled it apart, while playing in the bath, and tried to wash it away...the rest is history as they say!
I love cemeteries, I can't put my finger on it, but I think you'll be surprised at how popular they are. Though how many people go to the lengths of taking photos of them I don't know ;-)
But there are dozens of 'friends of cemeteries' groups all over the country. I'd never been to Tower Hamlets Cemetery before, so I took the opportunity to have a look while I was in the area.
As you can see it's completely overgrown & left to decay. On purpose. As it's now a nature park, deliberately left to go wild. If I were to describe it I'd call it a graveyard of a graveyard.
After strolling round there for an hour or so, it was time for the match. This picture tells you what you need to know...
A cracking five one victory over Thamesmead Town...
Never mind son, look what you might have won!
And after the final whistle, & photos, I went for a stroll along a bit of the Regents Canal, to Limehouse, before heading home. A little tired, but happy in the fact I might be a bit of a 'Billy No-Mates', going to some strange places, but I'd had a really great day. Helped by the result..but isn't that always the case with football?
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